Network with Nature
(Project now complete)
"Working to improve the big picture while focusing on the individual. Improving the outside world we live in, to improve the inside world we rely on. Using trees, bees and autumn leaves to promote learning, health and inner belief ”

Network with Nature
Hill Holt Wood received grant of £220,400 from the Government’s Green Recovery Challenge Fund
Between July 2021 and March 2023, we have delivered our Network with Nature project; improving and maintaining two local wildlife habitats by engaging members of the community.
Our vision through ‘Network with Nature’ was to improve and maintain two local wildlife habitats;
South Witham Marsh
10-acre wet grassland site
Hospital Plantation
200-acre mixed woodland
Specific Enquiries
South Witham Marsh is 10 acres of wet grassland bounded to the east by the river Witham. Hospital Plantation is Lincoln’s Largest Woodland and contains remnants of lowland acid-heath, a particularly rare habitat and is owned by Lincoln City Council.
Both sites lie within urban settings and the project consisted of setting up local volunteer groups for older, socially isolated people, groups with poor mental health and encouraging school and university groups to get involved in the project and help maintain these sites. There was practical physical management of the sites, ongoing ecological surveying work, tree planting, clearance, boardwalk and bird screen construction, pathway construction and lowland heath restoration. Embedded in this process, mental health and well-being was improved.
#GreenRecoveryChallengeFund #TogetherForOurPlanet
"Biodiversity will be increased, people will be educated, and jobs will be created"
See below for some key project highlights

This project is funded by the Government's Green Recovery Challenge Fund. The fund was developed by Defra and its Arm's-Length Bodies. It is being delivered by The National Lottery Heritage Fund in partnership with Natural England, the Environment Agency and Forestry Commission.

The Network with Nature project has successfully engaged people in the natural environment leaving structures, installations and change of attitudes in many communities. Whether it was young people completing surveying activities or volunteers completing conservation works on the site, participants have gained practical skills and built confidence and self-esteem and seen much personal development.
For more information on the impact of the project please read our evaluation reports.