Young people's study programmes in Lincolnshire
Our Ofsted ‘Good’ post-16 Study Programme offers young people's learning courses based on our current projects, local opportunities and the job market. Currently we offer; Horticulture, Small Animal Care and Heritage Woodcraft. Our learners also work towards achieving Functional Skills, Maths and English along with other smaller awards and industry relevant qualifications.

Horticulture Courses
Available at Entry 3 and Level 2, our Horticulture course focuses on land management from maintaining our own woodland through to participating in local conservation projects. You will gain knowledge in areas including, though not exclusive to, identification and establishment of plants, constructing fences and building natural habitats. You will also have the opportunity to develop skills in the use of industry-specific equipment including strimmer’s and lawn mowers.

Animal Care Courses
We will teach you the knowledge and skills required to effectively care for a variety of small animals including Dogs, Chickens, Mice, Guinea Pigs and a Giant African Land Snail. This course also includes visits to local animal care and rescue centres.
Functional Skills Courses
From entry level to Level 2, our Functional Skills Programme will improve your knowledge in Maths, English and ICT. Our innovative approach and unique environment makes these typically classroom-based subjects more interesting and engaging.

Woodcraft Courses
Also available at Entry 3 and Level 2, this is one of the oldest professions in human history – help play a part in preserving it. We will teach you how to make a range of interesting products from bowls and spoons to stools and other ornamental items. You will develop technical skills using traditional equipment and tools such as pole lathes, carving knives and gauges.

Post 16 study programme
We offer a range of standalone rewards to help promote young people's learning, personal development and independence including;
L1 Award in Progression
L1 Award in Digital Literacy
L1 Award in Prevent and British Values
Our British Values Programme takes a closer look at the principles behind being a proactive member of society, exploring democracy, individual liberty, mutual respect and the rule of law.
Start your Career
Our qualified Careers Information Advice and Guidance (CIAG) rangers provide ongoing support in identifying and applying for local employment and training opportunities. We offer focused industry-specific careers on an individual and group session basis. Hill Holt Wood’s annual careers fair is attended by local businesses, armed forces and further education providers.
For more information on starting your career we provide a pathway to employment by assisting with Advice & Guidance, as well as a Careers Overview, Please Click the links below.
Our careers board displays current opportunities available locally for our students. For more details relating to labour market information and support with careers guidance you can visit:
National Careers Service – 0800 100 900
Vocational Training Courses in Lincolnshire
Register your interest
Please complete the form, by following the link below, to register your interest for the HHW Study Programme for next year. If you would like more information, please either follow the link below directing you to our enquiry form, or alternatively call / email us using the contact information provided:
Telephone: 01636 892 836