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Meet the Board

What Our Board Say

“Having been a committed trustee with Hill Holt Wood for the past 3 year, the experience has allowed me the opportunity first hand, to see, listen and understand the amazing work and the positive impact that all staff have upon the lives of so many. Either as part of their education or health programmes the ethos is the same, it needs to be seen and for you to be a part of to really understand”

— Nick Wray

“My time spent as a trustee has been an incredible experience, providing me with the opportunity to meet great people, learn more about the inner workings of charities and play some part in supporting Hill Holt Wood to create social value. It is both a rewarding and humbling experience, that I would thoroughly recommend to anyone interested"

— Richard Hazenberg

“Becoming a trustee has enabled me to learn how charitable organisations are run, and make meaningful contributions that help Hill Holt Wood deliver its strategy and wider purpose. I have met some fascinating people and been involved in some brilliant work along the way"

Sarah Clarke

"Being a trustee at Hill Holt Wood has allowed me to share my experience and expertise to support the work of the charity, as well as helping me develop leadership and governance skills that have benefitted my own work. I love being part of the Hill Holt community and it is a huge privilege to contribute in my own small way to the transformational work it achieves in our region"

— Gillian Georgiou

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