On the week of the 13th - 17th of February Design:HHW ran a 5 day course aimed at teaching Straw Bale construction to chosen learners of Hill Holt Wood. The general makeup of the course allowed the pupils to work within a classroom environment, involving presentations and model making activities and practical based tasks to fully understand the stages of Straw Bale construction.
By the end of the week the aim was to create a Small 5m2 Straw Bale structure with enough space to fit the entire team within its walls. The complexity and detail of the course allowed the students to learn and get hands on with every stage of the build, these stages included: foundations, base plates/top plates, Straw Bale walls, strapping and compression, Roof and rendering/ finishes.

The Straw Bale Time Lapse
Please watch our time lapse to see the full 5 days summed up in 37 seconds! ...